In the UK, as in most modern societies, alcohol is a substance that is consumed by the vast majority of the adult population. In fact, in 2015, only seventeen percent of those aged over the age of sixteen in England said they were a non-drinker or that they had not consumed alcohol in the previous year.
Alcohol is simply part and parcel of modern life for most people but although the majority do drink it in moderation, there are those who drink far more than they should and who have already developed an alcohol addiction or are in danger of doing so.
How to stop alcohol addiction is something that many people wonder about. They question whether it is possible to prevent it from happening in the first place or if they can do anything about it once it does occur. The good news is that the answer to both questions is yes.
Preventing an Alcohol Addiction
There is no exact cause of alcohol addiction but there are many different risk factors that can increase the likelihood that it will occur. For example, those who have a family history of addiction will be more likely to develop it themselves, as will those who have experienced trauma such as abuse, neglect, or the death of a loved one.
Alcohol abuse is common among those trying to numb the pain of past experiences, and the more trauma a person has experienced, the higher the risk for addiction. Other risk factors include early exposure to alcohol, a history of mental health problems, and the environment in which a person grows up.
It can be difficult to know how to stop alcohol addiction from occurring in those with the above risk factors, but the reality is that even having every single risk for alcohol addiction does not necessarily mean you will be affected.
In the UK, the government has set guidelines for the safe consumption of alcohol. These guidelines state that adults should drink no more than fourteen units of alcohol per week and that these units should be spread across the entire week with a few days kept alcohol-free.
Sticking to the recommended guidelines is considered low risk but not without risk. However, if you were wondering how to stop alcohol addiction from occurring, then drinking in moderation is a good idea. Having said that, the only sure way to ensure you prevent an addiction from alcohol from occurring is to abstain completely.
Are You Already Affected?
It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that alcohol consumption is out of control. Most people want to believe that they have full control over their alcohol consumption. Moreover, because there is such a stigma attached to addiction, they are unwilling or unable to see themselves as having such a problem.
Nevertheless, alcohol addiction often occurs without people realising. It does not happen overnight, and most individuals do not notice that they have been increasing the amount of alcohol being consumed. This typically happens because of an increased tolerance to the effects of alcohol.
As the brain and body get used to the substance, the affected person will need to drink more in order to get the desired effects. Most people simply increase their consumption levels without even thinking about it. Doing this can lead to a physical dependence where the body craves alcohol whenever the effects wear off and physical withdrawal symptoms can occur when one is in need of a drink.
If this sounds familiar to you, you may need to consider the possibility that you have an addiction. Think about how much alcohol you are drinking now compared with how much you used to drink. If you can honestly say that you are not drinking anymore now than you did when you first started to drink, then it is unlikely that your drinking has spiralled out of control. However, if you have increased your consumption of alcohol then this is probably down to the fact that you have built up a tolerance to it.
If you are also experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as tremors, sweating and nausea when in need of a drink, it is likely that you are physically addicted. If this is the case, then you need to get help.
Can You Overcome an Alcohol Addiction?
Although addiction cannot be cured, it can definitely be treated. To overcome this illness, you will more than likely need a detox in the first instance. Alcohol detox programmes are designed to help you quit alcohol for good and are best conducted in the safety and comfort of a dedicated addiction clinic or detox facility. Having said that, it is possible to detox at home in some instances.
Detox is the process of quitting alcohol and then waiting for all traces of toxins to be expelled by the body. This is a natural process but one that can result in unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Nevertheless, with the help of specialist staff with experience in the process, you will be safer and much more comfortable throughout the process.
A detox generally lasts between one and two weeks and the type of symptoms that you experience will usually depend on how long you have been addicted to alcohol and whether you have any underlying medical problems or not.
After your detox, you will then need to deal with the psychological elements of the addiction, which will mean completing a programme of rehabilitation. Rehab programmes are designed to address the underlying cause of the addiction so that you can deal with this to prevent it from causing a return to addictive behaviour in the future.
The Impact of an Alcohol Addiction
There are many reasons to quit alcohol if you have become addicted. An addiction to alcohol can have devastating implications for your health, your relationships, and your future in general. If you continue to abuse alcohol, your quality of life will deteriorate. You will be more likely to suffer from both physical and mental health problems and your relationships with those you love will be deeply affected.
It is simply not possible for an alcohol addiction not to cause problems. Alcohol is a toxic substance; a substance that affects every part of the body and one that has been linked to hundreds of illnesses. Those who suffer from alcohol addiction have a higher likelihood of developing illnesses such as heart disease, liver disease, and some forms of cancer. Alcohol abuse has also been linked to mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease.
As addiction to alcohol progresses, the need for it grows and takes over to the point where everything and everyone else fades into insignificance. This can have a deep impact on relationships with family members, friends, and even work colleagues.
As your life becomes more and more consumed by alcohol, your ability to earn an income could be hampered. You may spend more and more time under the influence of alcohol or recovering from it, meaning that you are constantly absent from work. Your ability to provide for your family could also cause tension within your relationships, some of which may be pushed to breaking point.
As your life continues to spiral out of control, you might find yourself in danger of losing everything that you hold dear. This can include your friends, family members, job, money, and home. It is therefore important that you learn how to stop alcohol addiction and get your life back on track.
If you would like to speak to someone about how to stop alcohol addiction, please get in touch with us here at as soon as possible. We can provide information about the treatment options that are available in your area. If and when you are ready to start a programme of detox and rehabilitation, we can put you in touch with a provider that will meet your needs.
Alternatively, if you are just looking for information for yourself or someone you love, you can talk to one of our experienced advisors who will answer any queries you might have. Please call today to find out more about how we can help.