Speed is a category of drug that can encompass both amphetamines and methamphetamines. It has gained the street name of ‘speed’ because of the feeling of euphoria and excitement acquired through taking the substance in heavy doses. Users tend to rush around and do multiple things at once.
These are psychostimulants and are often used as a performance enhancement drug within sports. There have been many issues with getting rid of it from sports and the streets. It is currently one of the most popular recreational drugs in the world. Some forms of speed can resemble prescription drugs, which makes it easy for contaminated batches to make it into the hands of unsuspecting people.
Side Effects
Speed has been known to increase focus for a short period of time. It also decreases the feeling of fatigue and supresses the appetite. This does not last long, however, and the person soon crashes. It tends to hit them hard and they begin to feel a multitude of negative feelings all at once.
Young users of the substance have been known to suffer from stunted growth. Psychosis is also a side effect found in people of all ages. Many criminals have committed crimes whilst under the influence of speed, and a lot of them fail to remember what they did during their period of intoxication.
Speed Addiction Treatment
An addiction to speed often arises because of deep-rooted psychological issues. A residential rehab facility can bring these issues to the surface and teach patients how to cope with their problems. Qualified therapists with a long track record of addiction treatment success impart the knowledge of crucial coping techniques to patients who use them to suppress cravings and avoid succumbing to the horror of withdrawal symptoms.
This approach has reported significant long-term success within rehabilitation facilities.