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Peyote is a type of spineless cactus native to both Texas and Mexico. The plant is easily identified by the pink flowers that bloom from March to May. The main harvesting area is the Chihuahuan Desert, but it is also found in San Luis Potosi and Coahuila. This psychoactive alkaloid derived from the plant plays a role in the creation of drugs like mescaline. It is also a drug that has been used widely for recreational reasons.

In the past, natives of North America used to use peyote for ritualistic purposes. Today, when used, it creates a problem for many doctors as it interferes with surgeries by increasing the heart rate and blood pressure.

Side Effects

This drug is categorically unsafe for use as the hallucinations it causes are extremely serious. Unlike LSD and other such hallucinogenic substances, these hallucinations often encourage users to participate in psychotic, homicidal, and suicidal behaviours. Unfortunately, this is where the main attraction lies for the majority of its users.

Other side effects include vomiting, paranoia, inability to keep emotions in check, and changes in vision.

It is rare for peyote to cause any direct long-term damage. The problems arise from the hallucinogenic behaviour as it often leads to people getting into difficult and dangerous substances.

Peyote Addiction Treatment

An addiction to peyote is relatively difficult to treat as traces of the substance tend to remain in the bloodstream for long periods of time. Many of the hallucinations experienced also cause significant trauma, which counsellors must work through with patients on a one-to-one basis.

Doctors allocate each new patient with a personalised care programme. This takes into account any special needs and ignores the fact the symptoms of the addiction could seem exactly the same. It is a more direct line of treatment and prevents anybody from being left behind. This methodology has yielded significant success over the years.

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