GHB is something formally known as 4-hydroxybutanoic acid. It is a substance that forms naturally in the central nervous system (CNS). It is also possible to find traces of it…

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Flunitrazepam is classified as a skeletal muscle relaxant, hypnotic, anxiolytic, sedative, and anticonvulsant drug. Unsurprisingly, it is something that the medical world uses regularly. Amongst other things, it is used…

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Fiorinal is a type of analgesic medication created in the US. It is impossible to reveal accurately what this drug consists of as different countries alter the formula slightly to…

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Fioricet is a drug commonly used to treat tension and muscle contraction headaches. The name ‘fioricet’ is actually just the brand name for a complex blend of caffeine, butalbital, and…

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Fentanyl is a type of narcotic analgesic. Going under such brand names as Actiq, Abstral, and Instanyl, this drug has had a history of severe addiction issues associated with it…

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