
Kapanol is a drug used to treat excruciating pain and force people to relax. Most know the drug by its more common name of morphine, but it also goes under…

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Kadian is the brand name for a substance called MS Contin. This is a formulation of morphine sulphate. It utilises a time-release mechanism in order to properly treat chronic pain…

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Inhalant abuse is something that refers to a broad range of substances taken in through the nose and throat. These vapours come from inhalers and include things like toluene and…

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Hydromorphone is a hydrochloride known as dihydromorphinone. It is a type of analgesic that acts on the body to kill pain. This opioid is flexible and healthcare professionals can deliver…

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Hydrocodone, or dihydrocodeinone to give it its formal name, is a drug manufactured using two major natural opiates: codeine and thebaine. It is a type of analgesic and antitussive drug…

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