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Oxycontin is one of the brand names for oxycodone. It was the most popular prescription drug in the US for a short time, but its high rate of addiction meant many of its pills were pulled from the market. Now it is only sold in low doses, or alongside other drugs like ibuprofen.

The drug was designed as an anti-pain medication because of its efficiency at targeting the central nervous system (CNS). The main ingredient is thebaine harvested from the opium poppy. It was originally created in the hope of producing a better drug than morphine, codeine, and heroin at curing pain.

In clinical environments, it is prescribed with compounded products to treat moderate to severe pain.

Side Effects

Most side effects of oxycontin do not cause any long-term damage, which is why they were initially so popular. Minor side effects include lowered blood pressure, weakness and frailty, dizziness, and drowsiness. It only takes a few hours for these negative feelings to dissipate. If they last any longer, medical assistance will be required immediately.

Side effects that are more serious include permanent widening of the blood vessels, indigestion, infrequent bowel movements, and depression. Some users have been known to experience partially collapsed lungs and being unable to empty their bladders completely. It is rare for someone to die directly because of oxycontin, but the effects on quality of life are devastating.

Oxycontin Addiction Treatment

Oxycontin is an extremely addictive drug. Drug rehabilitation clinics have extensive experience in dealing with these addictions due to the influx of patients a few years ago. Healthcare practitioners recommend residential drug rehab because it allows them to prevent patients from relapsing back into their old ways.

One-to-one treatment gives people the attention they deserve and the opportunity to discuss their issues in a confidential environment. This is sometimes all they need to open up about the problems affecting them. Progress such as this is the first step to becoming free of drugs.

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