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Lorazepam is a powerful drug due to its high potency and its six intrinsic effects; muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, sedative, amnesiac, and antiemetic. Commonly marketed as ativan, doctors use this drug in their treatment of insomnia, seizures, and anxiety. It is also used to sedate aggressive patients within mental health facilities.

Lorazepam a short-acting drug that does not take long to interact with the benzodiazepine binding sites in the central nervous system. The drug has a long use within the medical world due to its effectiveness in binding to these sites. Unfortunately, it also has a long history in recreational use. Many patients find themselves becoming dependent and using it even after their doctors have told them to stop.

Side Effects

Lorazepam, like most benzodiazepines, causes dependencies in people, which soon leads to addiction. Where it is most dangerous is in causing depression and amnesia. Its effects on the mind in long-term users have been widely studied. This is precisely why medical guidelines have attempted to restrict the use of this substance in recent years.

Studies have also demonstrated how the drug reduces body balance and coordination. This is a particularly dangerous prospect for elderly users as the utilisation of lorazepam has been associated with an increase in the number of hip fractures.

Lorazepam Addiction Treatment

Lorazepam addictions are difficult to treat due to the withdrawal symptoms they can cause. Long-term users can find themselves suffering from depression and seizures if they stop taking this drug. This is why residential treatment is necessary for defeating one of these addictions. Other substances used to counter the effects of lorazepam are often introduced.

Counselling and therapy stands as the centrepiece of drug addiction treatment because they target the main issues. Residential treatment can help distract patients from their withdrawal symptoms and confront their deepest problems at the same time.

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