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Dextromethorphan (DXM)

DXM, or dextromethorphan as its known, is a cough suppressant. It is one of the prime ingredients used in many traditional cold and cough medicines like Vicks, TheraFlu, and Robitussin. It is also found in a variety of other pain relief medicines, and even a few medicines designed to act against mental health problems. The major disadvantage of DXM being available in syrup, tablet, spray, and lozenge forms is that it is easily found. Although the pure white powder is difficult to obtain, most of these medicines are sold over-the-counter.

Dextromethorphan is a common recreational drug and causes serious addictions if used in the long-term. In higher doses, it can even act as a hallucinogen. Some offshoots of DXM also act as local anaesthetics in animals.

Side Effects

The side effects of dextromethorphan are relatively mild compared to most drugs. A sign a person has taken too much is that they will feel slightly drowsy. In some cases, they could even start feeling nauseous. It is rare for the side effects to include anything more than this, although some people have been known to suffer from allergic reactions.

At higher doses, hallucinations can occur. This is precisely why it is such a common recreational drug. It is easy to find and the hallucinogenic effects mean that it’s a big hit amongst drug users young and old.

Long-term users can soon find themselves having issues with muscle spasms, though, or even extreme urinary retention.

Dextromethorphan (DXM) Addiction Treatment

Actually treating an addiction to dextromethorphan isn’t easy. The widespread availability of this drug makes resisting temptation extremely difficult. Within a residential rehab facility, this is not the case. By healthcare professionals having complete control over patients, they can learn the right way of doing things. They can teach them the techniques needed to resist temptation and remain drug-free for the rest of their lives.

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