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Dextroamphetamine is a type of psychostimulant drug used in the medical world. It is a drug with an extremely high dependency level, which is why many drug users become addicted to it. It’s a part of the amphetamine molecule, a stereoisomer to be exact. Unsurprisingly, it has many of the same characteristics and displays many of the same side effects of methamphetamines.


What many people do not know is that the US military uses these pills heavily to help keep their pilots alert and ready for action. There was also widespread abuse of this drug throughout the Vietnam War due to a lack of regulation. These events demonstrate how addictive it truly is.


Part of the reason why it is such a dangerous drug, even when used for treatment of things like narcolepsy, is the use of Adderall. This is another addictive substance used in the dextroamphetamine salts.

Side Effects

Dextroamphetamine has many similar side effects to methamphetamine. The severity of these side effects increases with the dosage, and the chance of experiencing side effects also increase. Common effects at a low dosage include diarrhoea, headaches, anxiety, nausea, and sweating.


At higher dosages, the taker can experience hallucinations, aggression, depression, a change in libido, and extreme fatigue. If the person experiences any of these side effects, they should attempt to find medical help immediately.

Dextroamphetamine Addiction Treatment

Overcoming a dextroamphetamine addiction is best done within a facility that offers residential rehab treatment. The benefit of this is any serious side effect problems, such as those experienced at a high dosage, will not overwhelm the individual. When the side effects and withdrawal symptoms begin to develop, the person will not relapse. It gives healthcare professionals time to identify the main issues and treat them. Through a cocktail of counselling and therapy, patients leave these facilities confident in their abilities to avoid relapsing.

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