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Darvon is the brand name for a substance called dextropropoxyphene. It is manufactured by the Eli Lilly and Company, and can be found under various names around the world. It is commonly combined with various paracetamol formulas in order to enhance the potency of the blend. For example, in Australia, it is known as capadex and in France, it is known as di-antalvic. Currently, around 10 million people in the United States use it; this number is falling due to the recent restrictions by the FDA, though.

The substance is very much like cocaine in that it is an opioid that is designed to dull pain, increase alertness, and make the user feel good. One of the reasons the FDA recently banned its use in America is due to the fact it has a high dependency level and relatively weak pain-killing capabilities. These days, codeine is usually considered far more efficient.

Side Effects

The main side effect of Darvon is its high addiction dependency levels. As soon as someone takes one of these pills, they suddenly believe that they need to take another, and this is where the cycle begins. It is one of the reasons why many countries are already looking to put restrictions in place.

Studies also revealed how it can cause heart products. In a recent study, they found it caused irregular heart rhythms, which, if left alone, could potentially kill the user. This is in addition to many of the more common drug side effects like constipation, drowsiness, and itching.

Darvon Drug Rehabilitation

Treating a Darvon addiction is about helping the person leaving behind their addictions. The serious side effects mean the programme must differ depending on the person. Healthcare professionals assess whether the person needs additional treatment to deal with the side effects. Getting over the withdrawal symptoms is the most important part of addiction treatment simply because they increase the chances of relapsing. Only then can the person begin to confront the issues causing the addiction in the first place.

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