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Damason-P is one of the many brand names for a substance called hydrocodone. This is an opioid semi-synthesised from two naturally occurring opiates. These opiates are normally thebaine and codeine. It is taken orally and is available in syrup, capsule, or tablet forms. It’s relatively easy to obtain as it is used widely throughout the world as a pain reliever. In America, this is the real identity of Vicodin, of which millions of prescriptions are written each year.


Recently, there have been concerns about using Damason-P in high doses. Mainly, this is to do with the paracetamol inside and its effects on the liver. Research has discovered how paracetamol can cause protracted liver damage.


Side Effects

The side effects of damason-P replicate those in many opioids. These include dizziness, a feeling of being drowsy, and nausea. Many people who are addicted to this drug look to experience the feeling of euphoria, though.

More serious side effects centre on things like vomiting. If taken with alcohol the person could vomit so much that they could require a visit to the hospital. Less common side effects include confusion, rashes, depressed respiration, and difficulty urinating. Seek out a doctor immediately if experiencing any of these side effects of damason-P because they can be life threatening.


Damason-P Addiction Treatment

Treating an addiction to Damason-P requires an urgent stay in residential rehab treatment. By taking the person away from their daily routine, experienced doctors can work with the person to discover why they turned towards drugs in the first place. Without targeting these issues, there is an extremely high chance of relapsing back into their old habits again.


However, initially physicians will work to help them over the worst of their withdrawal symptoms. This is where the chances of relapsing increase exponentially, so if they can get over these without incident then there is a high probability they can learn to cope with their issues.

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