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Crystal Meth

Crystal meth is one of the scourges of Western society. This psychostimulant flourishes in the West and is a major headache for governments at both local and national level. Its formal name is methamphetamine, but it also goes under the street names of ice, glass, meth, and crystal.

Scientifically, crystal meth is split into two parts, or enantiomers. These are dextrorotary and levorotary. The dextrorotary side is where the psychostimulants come from, whereas the other part is actually inactive. Due to how widespread the problem of crystal meth addiction is doctors rarely prescribe it. However, it is FDA approved for use for sufferers of clinical obesity and serious ADHD.

If caught in possession of or distributing crystal meth the jail sentences in the United States and countries like the UK are extremely severe.

Side Effects

Crystal meth’s side effects vary depending on the dosage taken. Lower doses offer effects like concentration, heightened awareness, and more energy. Nevertheless, these effects go into overdrive if taken in higher doses. Former drug users have reported how it induces mania and a feeling of increased self-esteem. In many users, it also increases their libido levels.

It is a highly addictive substance and it does not take long for recreational drug use to turn into dependency. Chronic use can lead to neurotoxicity and post-withdrawal syndrome. Cardiovascular damage is also quite common if the person overdoses.

Crystal Meth Drug Addiction Rehab

Dealing with a crystal meth addiction must start with residential treatment. The withdrawal symptoms exist to some extent even a year after initially giving up the drug. This is why most patients find it so difficult to leave it behind for good. In the case of a residential drug rehab clinic, the focus must target the reasons why the person turned to drugs in the first place. Patients usually have some deep-rooted issue that causes them to want to turn to drugs. By changing their state of mind, they will possess all the tools they need to leave their bad habits behind successfully.

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