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Crack Cocaine

Crack cocaine is another form of the drug cocaine. Whereas conventional cocaine is injected into the body via a syringe and needle, crack cocaine is smoked or snorted. It is actually the freebase form of the drug, which is the solid, non-ionic form. Crack rocks sometimes go by the name of hard, cavvy, base, or rock. These mainly appeared in the impoverished inner cities of Miami, New York, and Los Angeles where street gangs would fight over its supply.

When taken, crack cocaine causes a short yet intense high. It is far more potent than lighter drugs such as marijuana and carries a hefty jail sentence if caught possessing or distributing.

Side Effects

Crack cocaine, when taken in the user’s preferred manner, assaults the brain and changes its chemical makeup. These chemical imbalances promote the feelings drug users seek. What users look for is the feeling of increased energy, euphoria, and supreme confidence. It can help people do what they would never think capable of themselves whilst clean.

Unfortunately, these feelings will only last for about five to ten minutes. Once this time elapses the dopamine levels in the brain drop. This leaves the user feeling depressed and low. At the same time, they also crave more cocaine in order to get it back. The differences in side effects between injection and inhaling are marginal.

Long-term users commonly develop vertigo, paranoia, tremors, and constriction of the blood vessels.

Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The withdrawal symptoms are the main obstacles encountered by individuals attempting to clean themselves up. This is where the benefits of residential rehab treatment become apparent. The chances of relapse are high when attempting to deal with it without any outside help due to the temptation to call a dealer and get that next fix.

Doctors look to get to the heart of the matter and pinpoint what caused the addiction initially. By helping them to cope with these issues, it is hoped that the desire to obtain crack cocaine will disappear.

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