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Concerta is the common brand name for the psychostimulant methylphenidate. The FDA initially licensed it for use in 1955, and it was prescribed in 1960 for treating various disorders for the first time. It is something commonly used to treat serious disorders like narcolepsy, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. In many countries, it goes by the name of Ritalin, but concerta is also a common street name.

Those with addictions to the drug can sometimes run into problems finding it on the streets since it has not been prescribed heavily since the 1990s. The lack of widespread use means that it is normally expensive and addicted individuals can find themselves getting into serious debt in order to pay for their fix.

The methylphenidate within the drug is very similar to the molecular structure of cocaine, and it is similar in the sense that it’s a weaker version of this deadly drug.

Side Effects

Concerta can have some quite serious side effects. Loss of appetite and regular vomiting can dehydrate and malnourish the body, which can lead to a whole host of additional issues. Weight loss is something it has in common with cocaine, and if side effects worsen, it can even lead to death.

People who overdose on this substance may experience irregular heartbeats and mental issues. These mental issues can vary from mood swings to full-blown depression.

Concerta Addiction Treatment

Treating a concerta addiction normally involves confronting the additional problems caused by long-term addiction. Malnourishment and issues with depression need separate treatment all together. This is why an addiction treatment clinic will look to create a programme tailored to the individual. It can help target their own personal problems and enable an escape in the way that suits them best.

Residential concerta drug addiction treatment is the most efficient way of dealing with one of these addictions as it dramatically reduces the chances of relapsing.

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