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Codeine is an opiate used throughout the hospitals and surgeries of the world to treat pain, sedate patients, and to fight against conditions like diarrhoea. Its formal scientific name is 3-methylmorphine and is a natural isomer of methylated morphine. Morphine, as most people know, is also a common pain relief substance. In pharmacies, codeine is semi-synthesised, which is a departure from codeine, which originates from natural sources.

Any long-term drug user can easily explain how codeine is found everywhere. There is a high demand for the drug and its widespread use means street dealers have few problems obtaining it via prescriptions and other means. Whilst there is a massive risk of becoming addicted to it, its regular use means addiction treatment clinics are well versed in the treatment of codeine addictions.

Side Effects of Codeine

Codeine’s side effects have varying severity levels. For someone who becomes afflicted by minor side effects, they might feel constipated or drowsy. On occasion, they could also feel dizzy. Sometimes, if the effects elevate in their severity, the person could feel nausea, miosis, euphoria, and orthostatic hypotension. On the mental side, depression is a possibility, which is why those already suffering from mental illness should be aware.

Rare side effects include respiratory depression and anaphylaxis seizure. Allergic reactions are also a possibility.

Codeine Addiction Treatment

Treating a codeine addiction, as described above, is easier than ever due to clinics possessing the latest knowledge on the way the drug works. By checking into a residential treatment clinic, patients can reap the benefits of being able to have their entire lives regimented around defeating their addictions. It also cuts them off from the rest of the world where temptations often become too strong to ignore.

Counselling, skills training, and the right medications are all available for the purposes of helping patients beat their demons and move on to a better life.

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