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Cocaine is one of the most well known, and most dangerous, drugs on the planet. It is actually a crystalline tropane alkaloid that comes from the coca plant. The coca plant is partly where the name comes from, but the formal scientific name is actually benzoylmethylecgonine. It is primarily a stimulant, but it also suppresses appetite. This is why cocaine users often become unnaturally thin.

The addictive nature of this drug comes from something called the mesolimbic reward pathway. It takes advantage of the same ‘achievement’ path that people use when they do something like get a promotion or have a child. The taking of cocaine releases endorphins, which encourages the person to do it again in the future.

In nearly every country in the world, cocaine is an illegal drug that can land the user in prison.

Side Effects

Cocaine users tend to become dependent on the substance quickly due to its effects on the body. This is why side effects amongst cocaine users need treating immediately. Some of the most obvious side effects include paranoid delusions, itching, hallucinations, and tachycardia. If the person overdoses on the drug, they are putting their lives at risk. Hyperthermia and increased blood pressure are the two things to watch out for. Regular overdoses can lead to death.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Since cocaine is so addictive, residential treatment is a necessity. Cocaine dependence is more common than many people think. Whilst it is clearly a terrible addiction to have, treatment methods have advanced considerably in the past few years. It means qualified physicians now know more about how to treat it than ever.

In the beginning, the number one aim is simply to get over the withdrawal symptoms. Starting treatment before overcoming these serious side effects is not recommended, as the patient is not in the right state of mind. Only after that will counselling and other therapy sessions come into play.

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