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Clonazepam is something known as a benzodiazepine. It is a sedative and a muscle relaxant, which is why people will find this from street dealers for the purposes of relaxation. In the United States, the company Roche markets clonazepam under the name Klonopin. Elsewhere, including in South America and Europe, it is marketed under the name of Rivortril. It is one of the longest acting benzodiazepine drugs and is used fairly regularly within clinical environments.


It is known to treat a variety of disorders. Because of its muscle relaxant attributes, it is used prominently for treating panic and anxiety disorders. Some types of migraines are also curable because the substance can reduce the pressure on the head. It has also been known to help control and treat epilepsy in children.

Side Effects

Common side effects of clonazepam include dizziness, a decreased level of coordination, tiredness, and increased saliva production. For most users, this is as far as the side effects go. More serious problems usually occur amongst groups of people taking anticonvulsants. In this situation, they may experience suicidal thoughts, depression, and mood swings. Rarely, the taker may even attempt suicide.


These serious side effects are precisely why finding proper treatment as soon as possible is essential. Leaving it for a few weeks or days can mean the difference between life and death.

Clonazepam Addiction Treatment

Overcoming a clonazepam addiction takes time. Since it is not something most people can find on the streets easily, it is a matter of simply going cold turkey and attempting to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. By opting for residential rehab treatment the person can have the proper support they need to potentially deal with things like depression and mood swings.


Many patients need treatments for additional substance abuse, so qualified professionals are the best option. Attempting to deal with it away from an addiction rehab clinic can only lead to disaster.

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