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Chlorodiazepoxide is a hypnotic drug used as a sedative. It is known under a range of brand names, depending on the country they are used/sold in. Some of these names include Librium, Multum, Elenium, Libritabs, and Sonimen. It is a highly prized drug on the streets due to its potency.

The dependency level of this substance is highlighted by its history. When it initially appeared on the market, it was thought of as a major breakthrough for the medical world. Later on, when its addictive effects became apparent, restrictive medical guidelines were put in place, and this is why it is not as common as it once was.


Side Effects

When someone becomes addicted to chlorodiazepoxide, they are bound to experience some of the side effects at some point. The minor side effects include anything from nausea to headaches. Drowsiness is also a factor, which is why some people with sleeping problems will occasionally seek out this substance.

Side effects that are more serious are rare and normally arise only if the person takes more than they are supposed to. Bystanders can easily recognise a problem because of walking problems, changes in the person’s mental state, and slurred speech.


Chlorodiazepoxide Addiction Treatment

Treating the issue of a chlorodiazepoxide addiction is tricky due to the serious side effects that many long-term patients suffer with. Dealing with these withdrawal symptoms is extremely difficult; therefore, serious addictions should always be referred to a residential treatment centre. Attempting to deal with the withdrawal from this substance without supervision is not advised.


Qualified counsellors look to treat the addiction by learning the person’s history and finding out whether they have, or ever had, a genuine medical reason that brought them into contact with the drug. This knowledge allows them to create a customised treatment regime that can help to alleviate the obstacles presented by addiction treatment.

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