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Butorphanol is a drug developed by Bristol-Myers. It normally goes by the name of Stadol, although the manufacturer recently discontinued the creation of this drug. It is only available through generic recipes created by companies like Apotex and Novex. Street dealers still sell the older version of Stadol, though, which is why people still become addicted to the drug.

Commercially, the substance of butorphanol only appears in the form of butorphanol tartrate. This is administered in the form of tablets, injections, and intranasal sprays. The mechanism of delivery for people addicted to butorphanol depends entirely on preference and availability.

Side Effects

The side effects of butorphanol are relatively mild compared to some of the mental issues experienced by certain other substances. These side effects are exclusively physical and include things like headaches, vomiting, sleeping problems, and dizziness. For most people, these are not an issue. The downside is those who desperately need addiction treatment will not get the help they need because it is rare for them to have to go directly to hospital to deal with their side effects.

Butorphanol Addiction Treatment

Treating a butorphanol addiction begins with learning which method the person is using to get their fix. By discovering whether they prefer injecting or inhaling it via nasal spray the addiction treatment centre can better understand how best to treat the person in question. The method of delivery is extremely important when it comes to treatment therefore they pay extra attention to it.

Experienced counsellors try to find out exactly why the person has turned towards drugs and what they can do in the future to help alleviate their cravings. To treat a butorphanol addiction residential treatment is strongly recommended as it allows physicians to contain any withdrawal symptoms and prevent them from causing the person to descend back into their old habits.

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