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Biocodone is a combination of two natural opiates. These opiates are thebaine and its more famous brother, codeine. It is available in syrup, capsule, and tablet forms, and is regularly found within hospitals and local doctor’s surgeries. Unsurprisingly, it is a fairly easy substance to find without a prescription.

On a medical basis, biocodone is a drug used to treat severe pain and coughs. It is commonly used in conjunction with other drugs; but this depends entirely on the person and their medical history.

Biocodone Abuse

Biocodone holds the dubious honour of being the most popular recreational drug in America. This why so many people soon become addicted to it. Like most opioids, it gives a feeling of euphoria and is a popular drug at parties and in clubs where the atmosphere reaches a climax. But at the same time it causes disturbing nightmares and it is not uncommon for people to experience stomach cramps and fever.

Unfortunately, one of the main side effects is extreme drug cravings. People who become addicted to drugs feel a pull towards their substance of choice. In the case of biocodone, the pull amplifies. This is why it doesn’t take much for someone to become addicted.

Drug Addiction Treatment

Treating someone with a biocodone addiction is more difficult than most drugs. The availability of the drug in society means residential treatment is nearly always the best option. Another obstacle is the strong pull towards this substance. It is necessary to break the views of the individual. Since it is such a popular recreational drug, many users do not feel as if there is anything wrong with using it.

Counsellors must take away the influence of the drug, treat the withdrawal symptoms, and attempt to change the way the person looks at the substance. Only by doing this can they prevent the person from seeking out biocodone again as soon as they leave rehab.

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