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Avinza is commonly known as morphine and is administered by injection in order to cure severe pain. The man who isolated it in 1817, Friedrich Serturner, first distributed it. It takes its name from Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. Since then it has found its way into nearly every hospital in the world.

As a result of the drug being so widespread, it is not difficult to find from a street dealer. It is also increasingly is found in tablet form. It’s quite easy to become addicted to it as it eliminates any pain and sends the person into a stupor. For those looking to forget about traumatic events in their lives, it is the perfect substance. This is why addiction to Avinza is such a widespread problem.

Side Effects of Avinza

Avinza does cause some unfortunate side effects, though. However, in comparison to most other drugs, they are relatively weak. The most serious side effect is seizures. These are quite rare and normally only occur if experiencing a serious overdose, or if there are any pre-existing medical issues. Shallow breathing, a reduced heart rate, and clammy skin are the more minor side effects.

Avinza Addiction Treatment

Avinza is one of the most addictive substances available. Due to the pleasurable feelings felt both physically and mentally, it only takes a matter of weeks to develop a serious addiction to the substance. It is rare for patients to become addicted to Avinza if they genuinely need it for dulling the pain of an injury, but it sometimes gives them a taste, which encourages them to pursue their desires in the future.

Treating an Avinza addiction is about finding the trigger. Most patients who regularly take this drug have underlying issues that cause them pain. To cure this pain they seek out Avinza. By getting to the root of the matter and helping them to deal with their issues in a safe and healthy manner the addiction steadily melts away.

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