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Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Addiction Destroys Everything

If alcohol abuse were a path to happiness, it would be wrong to try to convince people to give up this behaviour. The reality is though, that far from being a path to happiness this behaviour is a path to hell. Alcohol addiction destroys everything – not only for the individual but also for their loved ones. Nobody ever asks to become addicted to this substance, but it is completely up to the individual to escape the abuse. There are plenty of resources available to help people break away from this type of addiction once they have developed the willingness to do this.

What is Alcohol Addiction?

One of the most confusing things about addiction to alcohol is the terms used to describe the situation. Some experts will talk about alcohol dependence, while others will refer to the same condition as alcoholism or alcohol addiction. There can be some disagreement about what is meant by these terms but generally speaking:

  • Alcohol abuse – this means that the individual is drinking at a level that it is likely to be bad for their health. This would mean that they are drinking more than the recommended 21 units per week (where the units are spread out over the week).

  • Alcohol problem – this means that the individual is getting into trouble because of their alcohol use.

  • Alcohol dependency – the individual is psychological or physically dependent on alcohol – usually both.

  • Alcoholism – this means that the individual is physically and psychologically dependent. It is often used by people who believe in the disease theory of addiction.

  • Alcohol addiction – this term gets used interchangeably with alcohol dependency and alcoholism.

The terms used can be confusing, but it is important not to become too focused on the terminology. The important thing is that the individual is having problems with alcohol, and they need to change this behaviour. If the person is not physically or psychologically dependent they may be able to drink safely in the future, but once they have crossed the line into addiction, the only real solution is lifelong abstinence from alcohol.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

The following are just some of the most common signs of alcohol addiction, and this is not an exhaustive list. It is also not necessary for the individual to have all or even most of these symptoms for them to be dealing with an alcohol addiction. Some of the signs of this condition would include:

  • The person has an increased tolerance for alcohol. This means that they need to drink more in order to get the same effect that they once had achieved with less.

  • The individual suffers withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop or reduce their intake of alcohol. This is an almost certain sign of physical dependence.

  • The person may experience blackouts – this means that there are periods of time when they are intoxicated that they are unable to remember later. Although this symptom is commonly associated with alcohol addiction, some individuals may not experience it – or not notice that they have memory blackouts.

  • The individual regularly has hangovers.

  • The person’s alcohol intake is getting in the way of their ability to take care of work, family, or social commitments.

  • The individual may regularly do things that they regret while under the influence of alcohol.

  • They have tried to reduce their intake of alcohol, but they are unable to maintain this for any real length of time. The individual may also have a history of trying to quit but later relapsing.

  • The person is sometimes worried about their alcohol intake.

  • They may become defensive when other people mention their drinking. This is usually because of being caught in denial.

  • The person may have lost interest in activities that they once used to enjoy – all they want to do now is drink.

  • The person may feel reluctant to go places unless there is going to be alcohol involved. They will consume alcohol before going to a party because they worry that there will not be enough alcohol there.

  • They feel the need to hide the extent of their alcohol consumption.

  • They have developed financial problems because of their drinking.

  • The individual spends an increasing amount of time thinking about alcohol.

  • Other people have expressed concern about their drinking.

  • The individual has developed legal problems because of their drinking.

  • They have a decreased interest in taking care of their physical appearance and personal hygiene.

  • The person continues to consume alcohol even though it is obviously causing them harm. This is an almost certain sign that the individual has become addicted to this substance.

How to Escape Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is sometimes described as being like a lift in a building that is always descending – it is up to the individual to decide at which floor they will get off. The longer that the person remains addicted, the more they are going to suffer, and if they wait too long they could lose everything including their life. There is no need for the individual to lose one more thing because of their addiction. They can stop now and find happiness in a life free of alcohol addiction.

Our team has a great deal of experience of working with people dealing with an alcohol addiction. We will be able to recommend a treatment plan that will allow you to break away from addiction. Many of our team have had personal experience with addiction, so they know where you are coming from. 

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