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Shopping Addiction

Are You Dealing with a Shopping Addiction?

It can be extremely difficult for people to admit to themselves, and to other people, that an aspect of their behaviour had got out of their control. The individual may have plenty of justifications for why they behave as they do, and they can use these justifications as an excuse not to get help with their problem. Humans have a fantastic ability to ignore the obvious, and this can lead them into a great deal of harm. If shopping has become a behaviour that is regularly causing problems for you then it is likely that you have an addiction.

Love Shopping or Shopping Addiction

It is not unusual for people to go out shopping and to spend too much or buy things that they did not really need. It is the goal of advertising to persuade people to do just this. Occasionally spending too much or wasting money is probably not signs of addiction – although it may be a sign of recklessness in regards to finances. When we talk about an addiction, we are referring to a situation where the individual is regularly engaged in a behaviour that is obviously causing them harm. The person who is addicted has lost control over their behaviour, and they have a compulsion to do things against their own interest. The individual with a shopping addiction will regularly spend too much, and they will be struggling to control this behaviour. It may be leading to a great deal of suffering – not only for them but also for their family.

Symptoms of Shopping Addiction

The symptoms of shopping addiction are similar to the symptoms of other types of addiction and may include:

  • The individual regularly feels remorse because they have spent too much money or bought things that they do not really need.

  • They are developing financial problems because of their behaviour.

  • The person has attempted to control their spending, but they are unable to maintain this for any real length of time.

  • The individual feels uncomfortable if they are unable to shop – they may become anxious and experience cravings to go shopping. This is similar in many ways to the withdrawal symptoms that alcohol and drug addicts will experience.

  • The person may have lost interest in activities they once enjoyed.

  • The individual not only spends increasing amounts of time shopping but also thinking about shopping.

  • They feel the need to hide the extent of their shopping habit. The individual may even lie about where they are going and conceal their purchases.

  • The individual becomes defensive when their behaviour is brought into question – denial is a classic sign of addiction.

  • The person is failing to meet their family, work, or social responsibilities because they are so obsessed with shopping.

  • They may have times when they promise to change the behaviour but they fail to live up to this promise.

  • They continue to shop even though they can see how it is causing them harm.

These are just some of the symptoms that people will experience because of a shopping addiction. It is not necessary for the person to have all (or even most) of these symptoms in order for them to be viewed as addicted. If you are unsure about whether or not you are dealing with an addiction please contact us here, and we will discuss this with you.

Dangers of Shopping Addiction

If you are dealing with a shopping addiction then it can suck you up in a downward spiral just like other addictions. Things will tend to deteriorate over time, and the negative emotions associated with this behaviour can even drive people to take their own life. This is a serious condition, and the individual will need to deal with as soon as possible. There are many complex issues that explain why people fall into addiction, and it will be necessary to dig down to the roots of the problem so that the individual can become free from this type of behaviour. The danger of not dealing with the addiction will include:

  • The individual is likely to develop increasing financial problems.

  • Their family will suffer because of these financial problems.

  • The individual is likely to have a great deal of anxiety and depression in their life because of the behaviour, and they may respond to this by shopping even more – this is the vicious cycle of addiction.

  • The underlying problems that are driving the addiction will not be dealt with.

  • The person will be missing many of the good things in life.

  • The individual may ruin their relationships and even lose their job. Over time, the behaviour will drain away their self-respect and self worth.

Get Help for Shopping Addiction Now

It is vital that you get help for your shopping addiction as soon as possible. The longer this behaviour is allowed to continue the more suffering it will end up causing. We are ready to help you right now – our team is available 24 hours of the day. When you call us, we will be able to assess your situation and offer some practical advice. We are knowledgeable about the resources available for dealing with shopping addiction in your area, and we will be happy to point you in the right direction. You will not be obligated to do anything just because you have called us, but it could make a real difference.

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