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Food Addiction

What is food addiction?

Food addiction refers to a situation where people compulsively overeat. Consuming food is necessary in order to survive, but for the individual who is addicted this becomes their obsession in life. The driving force behind this type of addiction can be similar to alcohol or drug addiction. When the person eats it causes pleasure hormones to be released in their brain, and the person becomes hooked on these pleasurable feelings. Just like other types of addiction, this obsession with food can destroy the person’s life if they are unable to break away from the behaviour.

Symptoms of Food Addiction

There will be symptoms that a person is dealing with some type of food addiction. These symptoms might not always be obvious to outsiders, and it is not necessary for the individual to have all of these symptoms in order for them to be considered addicted. These are just some of the symptoms that the individual is likely to experience:

  • The person ends up eating more than they planned when they sit down to a meal. This may be more likely to happen with certain types of food. For example, the individual may only intend to have a couple of scoops of ice cream, but they end up eating the whole carton.

  • The individual keeps on eating even though they feel full.

  • In some situations, the person may keep on eating until they start to feel sick.

  • The individual may be willing to go out of their way to get their hands on specific foods (e.g. sweets). They are like nicotine addicts in their determination to get a fix.

  • The eating behaviour is interfering with the person’s ability to fulfil their work, family, or social responsibilities.

  • They may occasionally feel remorseful about their eating behaviour.

  • The individual may try to control the behaviour but they fail to do this.

  • The person does not like to go places unless there is going to be food available there.

  • They feel unable to cope unless they have enough food around.

  • They spend increasing amounts of time not only eating but also thinking about food.

  • The individual may have lost interest in their personal hygiene or grooming.

  • They have lost interest in activities they used to enjoy.

  • They may feel defensive when other people express concern about their eating behaviour.

  • The person may attempt to hide the amount they eat. They may sneak food or hide it around the house.

  • The individual may eat before going out to dinner because they worry that there will not be enough food.

  • They will suffer some withdrawal symptoms (usually anxiety and agitation) when they try to control their behaviour in regards to eating.

  • The person feels unable to function as normal if they do not have the food they want.

The possible symptoms of food addiction listed here are just meant as a general guide. In order to determine if you do have a problem properly, it will be helpful to be assessed by a professional.  Call us now if you want to find out more about the symptoms of food addiction.

Dangers of Food Addiction

Food addiction can not only lead to a premature death, but it will also mean a reduced quality of life for the person while they remain alive. So long as the person remains trapped in this behaviour things are unlikely to improve, so it is vital that they get help as soon as possible. There are now a number of effective options that will help people to break away from this behaviour, and there are plenty of fine examples of those who have managed to do this. The key to successfully breaking from this type of behaviour is the willingness to do whatever it takes. Once this complete willingness is combined with the right type of treatment, it will mean that a successful recovery is almost guaranteed.

If you are ready to escape your food addiction problems we will be able to help you do this. Contact us right now and we will discuss the options available to you in your local area .


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