When Does Drug Addiction Start – The Why and How

It is difficult for most people who have no experience of addiction to comprehend why anyone would allow their life to be controlled by drugs. However, those who do go…

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Who Is Affected by Alcohol Addiction – Signs That You Might Be!

Most people believe that alcoholism is a consequence of negative behaviour and that those affected are somehow weak or of poor moral character. The stigma attached to this illness means…

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Amphetamine Addiction: The Growing Concern

Amphetamine addiction is a serious problem. Amphetamines are highly addictive and have severe withdrawal symptoms, making it difficult to stop using them. From 2010 to 2015, the number of deaths…

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Alcohol Rehab: What Can I Expect?

So, things have reached that point where you have realised that you have a problem. A possible alcohol addiction. Maybe you have realised that you are drinking every evening; it…

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Alcoholism: How Do You Know?

Alcoholism, or alcohol addiction, is a very common problem that can affect anyone, from any social background. There were 8758 deaths related to alcohol use in the United Kingdom in…

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