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Almost all the addiction treatment options involve some type of counselling. The reason why this approach is so often used is that it can be so effective. Humans are social animals and we develop our identity through our interactions with other people. The benefits of counselling for people dealing with addiction are many and have a wide range of positive effects.

Benefits of Counselling

  • The therapist and the client can develop a therapeutic relationship. This means that the client will be positively influenced because of this motivation.
  • Counselling can increase a person’s self-esteem. This in turn increases their motivation to quit the addiction and make other positive changes in their life.
  • This type of treatment can allow the individual to safely delve down into the roots of their problems. This is important because if these roots are not dealt with, they will keep on causing mischief.
  • The therapist can use motivational techniques to increase the person’s determination to build a good life free of addiction. This type of motivational interviewing can even work with those individuals who are initially resistant to recovery.
  • A therapist can act as a reality check for the individual. It is usual for people who are caught up in addiction to be trapped in denial and faulty thinking. Counselling guides the individual to a place where they can see the reality of their situation.
  • Many of those who are dealing with addiction will have suffered emotional or physical traumas. These sessions can allow the individual to come to terms with what has happened to them.
  • Part of counselling will be for the individual to set goals and then work towards these.
  • Regular counselling provides a feedback mechanism by which they will be able to judge their own progress. It can be easy for the individual to miss out on how much progress they are making unless this is actually pointed out to them.
  • These sessions are a means of getting support and encouragement.

These are just some of the ways that counselling can be helpful to those who are dealing with addiction problems. This is something that is likely to be a huge part of any treatment programme that the individual follows, so there can be many questions and concerns. If you want to find out more about what you can expect with alcohol or drug addiction counselling, and what your options are in this regard, you can contact us here on 0800 140 4824 ( +44 203 1511488 for those who are outside the UK).

Counselling and Motivation

One of the main reasons for why people remain trapped in addiction for years is that they lack the motivation to quit. This is because alcohol and drug abuse drains the person’s motivation. It does this by lowering their self-efficacy – their belief in their own ability to achieve sobriety. Every time the individual tries to control their drinking or drug use and fails it causes them to feel that little bit more hopeless and powerless. This repeated failure lowers their self-efficacy. One way to increase the person’s self-efficacy is by motivational interviewing, and this can be an important part of counselling. It means that the individual can be encouraged to take charge of their life, so they can take things in a more positive direction.

Counselling in Rehab

All the alcohol and drug rehab programmes will involve plenty of counselling sessions. As well as the one to one therapy sessions with the therapist, the individual will also be expected to take part in group therapy sessions. This is where the residents act as their own therapists as they collectively work towards solutions for their common problems.

Counselling and Anonymity

In order for a therapeutic relationship to develop between a client and a therapist, there needs to be a great deal of trust. The client has to know that the information they give will never be used against them, or fall into the hands of anyone else. This is why anonymity is one of the cornerstones of this relationship, so the client can be honest and open about what is going on inside their head. It is often said in recovery circles that we are as sick as our secrets, and one of the great benefits of counselling is that the individual need no longer hide anything. In order for them to get the most out of this relationship, they will need to be trusting and completely open about their life.

Continued Counselling After Rehab

Just because the individual has made it through drug or alcohol rehab does not mean that they can no longer benefit from some type of therapy. In fact, it would be more realistic to see the counselling that the person receives while in treatment as just laying the foundation for future work. In order for the individual to truly take their life in the right direction, they may benefit from more therapy sessions following rehab. This is something that some people will require more than others will, but it is certainly an option worth considering if the individual feels like they are struggling in their new life.

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